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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Doujin Manga Society Closing!.....Or is it?

Hey everyone Kyou here, as you might have notice we have been rather quiet this past month and the place it's been kinda dead. But no it doesn't mean we are closing up nor that we have given up in our dream, in fact we have but amazing news for all of you guys!

Doujin Manga Society Brand new Website!

Yes, it has been more than a year since we started this little blog of ours, and at times we were almost about to give up and just forget it. Give up on Manga, give up on our dreams and everything we wished, but  we are not just gonna let a few obstacles stop us now!

So what happen to the new chapters of the Manga and other post? Well everything will be moved to our  new website which will open soon this week. Yup you hear right Doujin Manga Society the little blog is become a full fledged website, with all the fancy  features that come with it!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso... The end

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso came to an end.
Saying goodbye with an inspiring tone that left us all with a shade of sadness, in a rainbow of sounds in which its bright sparkling lights displayed a plethora of colors. Leaving in group of notes that fell from the sky like snowflakes that create waves in the water forming an illusion that it's nothing more than an ideal.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Is knowledge a problem?

The problem of knowledge from my perspective:

Do you know what is the problem of knowing too much? Mainly the problem is that knowing too much make you unable to enjoy the simpler things or things you enjoyed in the past, just because now you know they weren't that highly accurate or true.

I wish I still believe he existed...
To prove this, a few days ago I asked a few friends; to see what kind of answer they gave me.
I asked: You got a gold stone, first you paint it blue and then you paint it purple, what color you got now?  Like you might be guessing, everyone, absolutely everyone answered "purple". Which made me think that, the more we know we let previous information  vanish from our memory and just guide ourselves from what we know now; that is not a real problem in itself...But it might hurt your enjoyment of things in the entertainment world ,  specially Anime.

An example of this is the well known Anime series One Piece and I doubt I gotta explain what One Piece is nor who Monkey D. Lufy is.  Some of you might have watched the series and other might have just heard about it, but at one point you tried to find out if something that was shown on One Piece could be done, or if at least something was taking from reality. If you were naive enough to believe such a thing I bet at the end of your research you found out....The Horror! 

Almost nothing in One Piece is even remotely possible (A Shonen Anime defying the laws of physics....Wow, such a discover)  Though I'm not trying to insult your intelligence (too much) by any means, of course most of us know that  almost everything that we see in Anime is unrealistic an almost impossible. The thing is, the more you research and the more details you know...Make you realize how stupid is whatever you are watching at the moment, and for some it means that they will stop enjoying good shows that while showing a bunch of weird powers and alien monkeys blowing planets; they still have a story to tell and good things about them, but if you just focus on what is wrong with the whole logic of the world you end up killing your own imagination.

Just like the day you found out "Santa Claus" didn't exist, or in some more extreme cases that it was nothing more than a publicity tool to sell cola; whatever was the case, the fact is that for you Christmas would never be the same. All the magic withing the holidays loosed their charm and you can never enjoy it as you did while you still believed in the guy in red giving you stuff for free once a year. 

It's a shame really, there is a possibility that you started watching One Piece or any other Anime and you might finish watching it, but now that you know the whole truth it will never be the same...

And now, since your childhood is pretty much dead and never returning, let's see some other reasons why  knowing too much might ruin Anime for you. Like for example, you just started watching an awesome anime and you like the fights, the powers look cool and you actually enjoy the characters; but then another friend comes up and says this terrible worlds "This is not possible, because the economic factors between the national industries and the controls they have between the distribution of the materials wouldn't develop in a way that would make the current society the show claims to be possible."

Some might be thinking right now "Who actually takes Anime that seriously to begin with." (Kyou does by the way...) But regardless, some Anime heavily relay on things like action, romance, fanservice to name a few and they completely or partially ignore  plot continuity and real life perspective for the sake of entertainment and having someone state those problems  when you were just trying to enjoy some good fights (SAO), cute romance (SAO) and some good fanservice (SAO); it's really annoying.

It's actually worst than a spoiler, because every time you try to enjoy your Anime again you will be thinking -This is wrong because...- All thanks to that good  friend of yours that showed you how ridiculous, impassible, silly or stupid it was. 

In conclusion now you know that sometimes you need to avoid asking something you will later regret and simply to enjoy the good things of life or you will end up deleting most of your Anime library and frustrate every time you try to find an Anime that is "complete" in every aspect. Don't get me wrong knowledge is power, but that power might end up ruining your happiness.

Finally something really nice for all of you dear fans of  Anime:

13 Questions you don't have to ask yourself if you want to enjoy Anime at it's fullest!

  1. Is this possible?
  2. How much blood those people have in the Saint Seiya Anime.
  3. It's that his/her natural hair? Why does it change of color?
  4. Why does Michael Bay make so many explosions and ignore the plot.
  5. It's a male or a female character?
  6. Why does it have so much "PlOOt" and not actual plot.
  7. Dragon Ball has a live action movie? Does Samurai X has one too?
  8. Why does the guy that likes this girl just confess to her instead of flirting with this other girl?
  9. Why would soccer players need to have super powers and why is there no referee on that match?
  10. Does wearing tight make you bullet proof? Then why most super heroes wear tights?
  11. If they are ninja why do they yell their next attack to their opponents and use such weird clothes?
  12. Shinigamis can die?
  13. Who are Kyoushy and Kobayashi Keisuke?

With that I bid you all farewell and like always before I leave I would like to share this thought with all of you:

Anime moves faster than the speed of light and still has mass, it can be on two places and in none at the same time; its also it's own dad who died before it met its mother, Anime is hope, imagination so just enjoy it for what it is. And if you ever find out something is not entirely accurate or just plainly wrong. Cudos to the author, for making it so good anyways.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Good Day, Mr, Mrs, children and public in general. Today I come to you with a vision, a proposal; a masterpiece known as:

Monday, March 16, 2015

Doujin Manga Society: Basic Character Sketching

As you know here at DMS we like to provide you all with simple and effective drawing tips in various creative ways. Often we have mentioned how we start with the most basic of process in any drawing, which is sketching.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

An Unrealistic Thing Called Love Ch.4

Why do we love? A question, that I asked myself when I was but a child. At one point in my early teenage years I thought I had answered, but then I discovered the true nature behind it....Then decided I didn't need such a thing in my life. Of course, we have the capability of cherishing friends, family and even strangers at a certain point. However the concept of 'love' that is displayed in media and hold so highly in our society... It's a term that solely belongs in fairy tales and works of fiction.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Dating Sims

Those of us that have been involved in the Anime and "Otaku" culture know some about this particular type of games, from anime reference to  actually have played some ourselves Dating Sims or  Bishojo Games, Gal Games, Gales, Eroges; or however you want to call them. Are an important part of the gaming industry in Japan.

Friday, March 6, 2015

What Is Otaku? - Gaijin Goombah

Otaku, and several other terms are used  by some of us here in the west, without even knowing the complete meaning. Sometimes we even interchange this terms when on reality, those terms mean something completely different.

Assasination Classroom

Ohayo!!!!, Christian desu!!

How you been?  I'm pretty sure you all are fine if you don't mind the snow storms and the heat. Of course that depending on where in the planet you are. So to brighten up your day a little today I would like to share with you:

Sunday, March 1, 2015

An Unrealistic Thing Called Love Ch.3

I hear singing… The sound of several perfectly tuned birds echo in the distance as the warm sunshine envelops me. Its gentle touch wakes me up, I feel lightheaded. The last memory I can recall is me back at the school's gym fighting Cox over....Alice, Sam. But now all I see is a building – a villa, if I'm not mistaken (of course I'm not mistaken); the villa appears to be rather large,it doesn't look like most villas for touristic purposes nor those build by arrogant fools who waste their money only on appearance, no....This one has something different about it, it has a certain feeling of humbleness. Despite the size of the building and the fact that it possesses a tennis court in its backyard alongside the almost obligatory Olympic pool…

Friday, February 27, 2015

Fan-Art:Harpy Dancer Yugioh

The very first Fan-Art we did for one of our Fans! 
Thank you so Much Victor Alvarez Garcia,  for asking us this Fan-Art. So today's drawing is one of the most "sexy"  monster cards in the whole Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game. Loved by players and collectors alike and one of the keystones of the Harpy deck.  This gorgeous lady is sure to charm you with either her skills or attribute! 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

What You Should Want To Be Happy Ch. 16

I'm entering insanity, finishing a day of work in a girl's apartment...In other circumstances that would be something very good, if only this apartment wouldn't  look like something took out from the Twilight Zone... 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Poses Canon DMS.


The way we look at characters is different than how people that look at our work will see them, independently of the technique we use; artist, painters, etc  we all share a common problems:

  • The space we have to work is limited, there is a limit to how much space we can use on a sheet of paper or on a digital one.
  • We can't be next to each reader to explain them what exactly we meant with our work.
  • We are limited to show only specific moments in time.

Of course this doesn't mean that we have to work  exclusively with advanced techniques or difficult ones, we only need a bit of creativity  and never let those "limits" overwhelm us.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Rolling Girls

Good day dear readers and public in general, this day I'm mourning; my girlfriend just dump me exactly on valentines and I couldn't help but cry. I suffered a lot of pain and when I finally thought I could get over it...I woke up and then I cried again because I remembered that I don't have a girlfriend. Ah! memories... By the way  when I got over my loneliness as I do everyday, I watched this new series and thought that I should recommend it to all  my millions of fans!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Can you say "No" to Si-Won?

Choi Si-Won, Born on April 7 of 1986, certified on February 10 of 1987; better known as Si-Won.
He is a singer, actor and Korean model; member of the K-pop band "Super Junior"  and it's sub division, Super Junior-M.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

What to do on Valentines?

So today is February 14th, better known as Valentines day or so it said on the Anime I just finished watching; which by the way it was a Shoujo one, there is no Shoujo Anime that doesn't have an episode specially made for this date (If there is one correct me).

Friday, February 13, 2015

What You Should Want To Be Happy ch.15

Climbing up the stairs, an horrid stench that comes from the second floor apartments fill the grim looking hallway that this freaks call home. Why do I have to do this!
 In any case, it will be the last time I ever do it...I hope.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Canon (Art) DMS guide.

A term often used by plastic artist that refers to the study of the human body, but we will use it as a reference for all kind of arts; fine arts, comic, manga, anime, cartoon, etc. The term "Canon" was developed in the study done by Leanoardo da Vinci.

  • "Canon" : The study of bodies and forms. Víctor Bolaños. 2015 

  • Even tho this term is mostly used in sculpture models, it's a term widely used in different parts of the world; making it an universal term.

    Tuesday, February 10, 2015

    Fan-Art: Dark Magician Girl Yugioh

    Welcome everyone to yet another Fan-Art post. This time, we have a  drawing of one of the most iconic female characters in the whole Yu-gi-oh Anime series and the trading card game. If you are as old as I'm, you might remember the Yu-gi-oh Anime series and by the time we all saw  Yugi summoning the Dark Magician Girl, I'm sure I wasn't the only one being charmed by her.  

    I know most of you  know the drill already on how we do this Fan-Arts, but just in case there is a new reader (which is encouraged to leave a comment on this post) we will explain once again how we do them.

    I did a  Fan-Art of the Dark Magician Girl a few weeks ago, but I wanted to try and do it a again with a bit more of my  touch in it; this character is the female apprentice  of Yugi Muto's favorite card  the Dark Magician.  The reason why I like her so much despise that I don't really know how to play the game nor I care much  for her sex appeal,  is that I really like her overall design and she has a nostalgic factor that reminds me of  fond childhood memories.

    Once I stated the reasons why I wanted to draw her, let's proceed with the process:

    • Sketching

    So first of all you have the basic sketch, I try to always just put the most important thins on a sketch, leaving the minor details for the next step and making sure I have a pretty good idea on how I will  do the final work.

    Dark Magician Girl-Sketch by Victor

    • Inking
    Right after the sketching part, we do the inking. As you can see I have added some more details as well as some shadows and more.

    Dark Magician Girl-Inked by Victor

    • Digital Painting
    As I don't have markers to color the drawings...Like certain other members of DMS whom I won't mention...*cough* Miguel *cough* After scanning the inked drawing, I use different software to color; like for example Photoshop as you can see in the next screenshots.

    Dark Magician Girl-Base color by Victor

    I tried to do the color scheme as similar to the original as I could, but keep in mind that sometimes the references or colors my vary slightly.

    Dark Magician Girl-Background color by Victor

    And that would conclude another Fan-Art post, so I hope you liked it and leave a comment if you have any doubts or just want to share your opinion on it!  I will see you all on another post, farewell.

    Monday, February 9, 2015

    Baka to Test

    The renown month of "love" and lovers, everyone enjoys the scent of roses and the ever  sickening overpriced candies of this season. In this month more than in any other you have to be very careful oh poor and lonely soul, because when you less expect it; what you thought it was salvation from another Valentine at the couch watching T.V. turns out to be...

    Sunday, February 8, 2015

    Fan-Art Morgiana from Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

    Hey everyone, Kyou here! Once again we have another Fan-Art from the amazing world of Magi!
    And another character from Magi I have no idea who it might be...(I really need to start watching more anime).  

    Well hope you all enjoy this version of Morgiana done by Miguel as once again I explain the process on how was it made and why it was picked up.

    Friday, February 6, 2015

    February,month of love or friendship?

    So month of love? Friendship perhaps? Or you simple  don't have a life!!

    Hey, depending on the day  you might read this post  happy valen.. Well you already know.
    First I would like to apologize (not really) if I happen to hurts someones feelings or  re-open some wounds that took a fair amount of time to heal, but that's just how love works... It hurts your feelings (pockets and body)  and it leave you  permanent scars that can't be forgotten. Yet we seek it desperately almost like a masochist just for the brief moment it will make us happy. Ah love...Bittersweet indeed!

    Shall we begin then?
    February, some would say it's the month of love, others just a month to celebrate friendship; personally I believe it's pretty subjective, dependent on the personal view of each individual that ask this kinda trivial question. It is also heavily dependent on a certain phenomena  commonly known as "Friend Zone" And yes I'm talking to you that think such term will never apply to you, but you are sadly mistaken I'm afraid to say. 

    That unless you have a girlfriend ( of course imaginary or "waifu" doesn't count obviously), but being completely honest  if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend she/he probably already cheated on you with an anime character.

    Thursday, February 5, 2015


    Good morning, good evening...Or whatever people say nowadays to pretend being interested in another person; personally I would go for a simple Hey or Hello if I want to show some degree of manners. Though right now what I actually wanted to share with you all is this:

    Some days ago a friend recommended me a series to watch, of course I had the decency to actually watch  unlike another person I will mention, Kyoushy, and I really didn't like the animation at first.
    But after a few minutes I was completely hooked to the plot. the flashy fights that were a bit exaggerated  with a  similar  style to that  of Devil May Cry (the game).

    What series I'm talking about? Well just look at the nice gif I made  down there ↓

    Wednesday, February 4, 2015

    Fan-Art Ren Kougyoku Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

    Magi is a series that has been around for a while and is popular for a wide range of things, like for example the use of familiar names like Aladdin and the interpretation of a world I bet Disney never thought someone would do. But before we start let me share that this Fan-Art was not made by me -Kyou- (your beloved Editor in-chief and favorite team member of DMS  :D, Ok no). This one was Done by Miguel, but he kinda had some troubles  posting on the blog; mainly due to a lack of a way to make a post.

    In any case hope you enjoy his version of the Ren Kougyoku as I explain the process on how it was done like we have been doing in the previous post. (I know it's kinda repetitive at some point, but for the sake of any new readers we like to go and explain the whole process even if just a little.)

    Tuesday, February 3, 2015

    Fan-Art Alleyne from Queen's Blade

    Queen's Blade might be known for it's Anime adaptations or just for the...Umm pretty gifted cast of female characters that the franchise is so  famous for. Originally a visual combat book, for those of you who have no idea what that might be, like me, they  are a  type of novels were the reader can make choices and  adapt the story or reach a dead end depending on the reader's choices.

    Using the same process as our first Fan-Art post, let me show you the process of how I did the Fan-Art for this character ( Just  take into account that I tried to modified some "look" of the character as I don't believe  something like a G cup would be any good in battle...Nor comfortable at all)

    Sunday, February 1, 2015

    Guide-lines, DMS Guide

    What is a guideline?

    As the name implies are guides inside the drawing are considered as bases or internal structures of a drawing, you may use them much unconsciously or that only use that also saw a tutorial video.

    The Month of Love is here!

    Well Hello everyone, Kyoushy here with some news for this month's banner.
    As you know the website had some changes last month, but we will keep up with our Manga Release and stories we hope all of you are enjoying.

    New Banner!

    So to celebrate the month of love (even though none of us actually have a special someone nor plans for this 14th...) we have decided to make a special banner with out female readers in mind.

    with some diet and working out..maybe someday..
    So plans for this month:

    • Last Shadow ch.4 (already delayed it too much..)
    • Star Atom ch.4 (with some few changes we hope all of you like)
    • Fan-Art (remember to send us your request for Fan-Arts!)

     Well that sum up this month activity,  I hope to hear from all of you guys soon!
    This is Kyou wishing you all a nice day and remember to check DMS for more Doujins and News!

    Tuesday, January 27, 2015

    Perspective. DMS guide

    Perspective is what guides how   things in reality and fiction look. They  exists in everything and more than just the perception of the observer,  they also exist in the form of expressions.

    What You Should Want To Be Happy Ch.14

    A piece of trash! She says of my script. A question: throw her away or wait a moment to make her take away the crumps that are on my desk?

    A heavy duty day
    [What do you think you're doing? When did I ask you to...]

    It's incomplete! ♪Om nom nom♪ Where have you seen a world like that! Games have no limits. And rules? It doesn't say how many players go at a time or when they get into the game. And what happens when they lose? They die or they only lose their memory? And what about if it's also a first chapter or a “One Shot”? You got to insert more characters, not only two, and goes without mention that you also need to tell more about them. Why the characters have no stats, like: Strength, level, and what about the MP & HP bars? What's wrong with you?! What kind of game lacks the basics?!

    Shocked, silenced and in awe; never had I heard talk so much, and though that she might not finish eating the slice of bread she has on her mouth, she still seems to hold some credibility. HER, CREDIBILITY! This can't be serious... It's so strange, she annoys me as if she was my boss. Just by raising her from the desk I can put her in her place.

    [First, finish that slice of bread and tell me where did you took out that data from]

    You're joking, right? You haven't seen BAO (Blade Art Online), Bursted world or Horizon? The first one wasn't a good example but you get the point.”

    Those are some kind of shows. It even sounds smart, as if they could use that energy and effort in something productive. They could be millionaires, but right now it seems I have to drag out all that dead weight as an adviser.

    [Come, follow me to the apartments] ~Moves the chair~

    But don't you get scared because I haven't groomed myself in a week... ♪Om nom nom♪

    [Could you finish that bread already?]

    ~swallows"He... Lloyd, about the Neighborhood Reconstruction Quota that I have to give, may you wait for next month?

    [... You have fifteen days]


    [My name's not Lloyd!]

    I was only saying we can go now”

    It's true that I have to go to those apartments

    [Ok, let's go. But clean yourself, we're going in my car]


    Huh... She didn't even clean the crumbs from her face.


    And again on our way to that place, but this time with an annoying drag in the trunk -If could get her inside- She's quite, but once she finishes those strawberries she'll be a nuisance again.

    Om nom nom

    Hey Lloyd, why are we going there?”

    Ignore her, Ignore her calmly and without contemplation; just enjoy driving my late model car and the road, a time for myself. I'm pretty good at getting rid of the unnecessary and the sound of her voice meshes well with the sound of a V8, a car's purring... I have to think in reconstructing the last chapter of “The Last”. First fix the rules and types of games because the things about players attributes and types of games I can check them out at the “Abougan Games” department. It's better to think on the rest of the characters that I can include, maybe a rival or some alternatives that will appear in the games at times or other partners that will make a party later and...


    ~ Pulls his shirt ~

    [Stop! Can't you see I'm driving!]

    We're here, and don't ignore me. Why won't you tell me why we're here?”

    Since when we became so close...

    And now, back to the desert of creeps

    Most of the people on this apartment building are students. But, Why are they so weird? And the worst part is that I come with the queen...

    [Go to your apartment, I'll get there later. I have to talk to some some of the inhabitants]

    We got out of the car, and while we place a step over the dry lawn, the ambiance begins to fade. I don't know why every time I come I remember the guy with the cloth hanger fake a suicide to avoid a debt. There's people that just doesn't appreciate life.

    Lloyd, I'm going to my apartment. I'll see you there!”

    She's gone. I finally got rid of her. Well... Now to the first apartment – with the suicidal maniac – which is on the first floor... What? A note on the door – I'm out. Please slide it down the door – What kind of note is that one? It doesn't explain a thing. I don't know if it's better to fake death, but bad excuses do grind my gears.

    [This happens to me for trying to help the community. I only asked for a small quota to repair and remodel the apartment complex and donate it to the students. And... people like her reject it all – Sits – I don't think the quota is that big. It doesn't even reach 1% of the costs. This people... I'm giving them a ceiling over their shoulders! From my own pocket!]

    [ ~ Babbles ~ What duty do I have with them! It's getting on my nerves, not a single one of them has given me this meager quota which isn't even the size of one of the house bills...]

    Dammit! Here he comes. He must've heard me, I thought he was hiding...

    {Sorry, are you from the renovation project? I have the money in the apartment. You can come in and take it}

    [No, thank you... I'll wait here]

     {By the way, thanks for your work, help to the community and all that. We're all grateful – Closes the door – I'll be back with you! - Gets out – Here is the money. Ah... and I'll give you this, too. The girl from the upper level told us about what you were doing. Luck, and if you have any questions about manga or anime, we're at your service}

    She”... shouldn't be telling the whole world about it...

    [No, actually, I came to inform the habitants that someone else is going to take care of the paperwork, but thank you for your contribution. You will be helping to accelerate the project.]

     This guy is more serious than what he looks like... except by that part about manga and anime – though he brought his best pokerface -

    {I have a question though, not that you need to answer, but... if it's about helping, and you got the money, why do you insist in the quota?}


    I'll be honest. I didn't thought too much about it, I was just guided by the maxim that goes “What is granted is never appreciated”. But now that I think of it, if I don't ask for such quota, I'll be free from a lot of work – It's just a couple of thousands – After all I don't think these people will appreciate stuff even if they pay them themselves.

    I gave him back the check and stood silent. I turned around and said goodbye with a hand sign. I took those books that supposedly would help me, with the title “How to Draw Doujin”. I can't see how they will help me... but I can't just get rid of them, I still have to finish the chapter of “The Last”.

    To be Continued...

    Sunday, January 25, 2015

    Fan-Art. Ruby Rose from RWBY


    An American animated  web series created by Mony Oum for Rooster Teeth Production.
    A series that despise it's clunky animation on the early episodes and the fact that the fights seemed a bit cheese and over exaggerated, had amazing characters and a  fantasy story deep enough (which I would like them to focus more on)  that  stands out from the rest of the numerous animeish web series online.

    Well as our first post on this new section, I would like to show you all the process on how I did the Fan-Art from the early sketching stages, to the inking and the final digital coloring ( so that we avoid unnecessary misunderstanding were certain individuals accuse me of using a mere filter on certain software which there is no need to mention *cough* Photoshop *cough*) along with a brief explanation about the character I decided to draw and why.

    An Unrealistic Thing Called Love-2

    Dreams..For some, a window to the deepest desires and fears of an individual. For me, a simple sub-product of the many biological process of the human body. Despise my well established, fact-based believes, I experienced one that made me even question my own sanity.

    Friday, January 23, 2015

    Durarara!! x2

    A new year started, and with it comes an exquisite harvest of animated delicacies! One of the most expected may be the second season of the series Durarara!!

    Now Called:

    Thursday, January 22, 2015

    The process of constructing an Idea -DMS guide

    Before we start, keep in mind that this is just a guide to assist you with the process of developing an idea. Remember that you can change some of the steps or adapt them to your own personal preferences.

    • Step 1.

    Research the topic:

    While it might take a considerable amount of time, researching will let you explore different points of view or understand the topic you would like to base your idea off in a far more deeper way.

    Tuesday, January 20, 2015


    Part of a a real object, an existing concept or an idea, this tool can be used correctly or incorrectly; That will depend on the user. Although artists used it to give form to their creations through models, that doesn't take away the fact they used references.

    Hatch Pattern with Pencil

    Sunday, January 18, 2015

    Copy and Fan-art

    Those are two themes that, if not for the definition, would easily be taken as the same thing
    Because a fan-art is any artistic work that has a creative process, mostly in its visual detail, based in characters, clothing, epochs, etc. that gives birth to new narrations and the term comes from such definition: "Fan-Art". It can also be called the recreation of a character already in existance in a way that focus in highlighting the respect to another artis, or to show the dominated techniques but without cheating of the fantasy to be just like someone else.

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