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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Fan-Art Ren Kougyoku Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

Magi is a series that has been around for a while and is popular for a wide range of things, like for example the use of familiar names like Aladdin and the interpretation of a world I bet Disney never thought someone would do. But before we start let me share that this Fan-Art was not made by me -Kyou- (your beloved Editor in-chief and favorite team member of DMS  :D, Ok no). This one was Done by Miguel, but he kinda had some troubles  posting on the blog; mainly due to a lack of a way to make a post.

In any case hope you enjoy his version of the Ren Kougyoku as I explain the process on how it was done like we have been doing in the previous post. (I know it's kinda repetitive at some point, but for the sake of any new readers we like to go and explain the whole process even if just a little.)

Ren Kougyoku by Miguel
On all honesty I have no idea who Ren Kougyoku is, but after a deep search  of this character ( in Magi's wikia...),   I  believe I know the reasons why is character is liked by Miguel an many others. 
The fact she has a wide arrange of expressions, her childish but cute behavior and overall just  charming design make many Magi fans like this character.

And now the process on how this Fan-Art was worked:

  • Sketching

Ren Kougyoku Sketch by Miguel

Sketching is pretty much your basic first step, though an interesting fact about Miguel is that unlike Victor or Kei or many other artist, he can easily sketch something like this in a few minutes on his first try.

  •  Inking 
Ren Kougyoku-Inked by  Miguel
Inking is the next step and like we have mention before,  this allow the artist to give more details to the drawing before painting. For those of you who would like to know how we do the inking process I would like to point you to our previous post about this process. -Inking- (and you can see Miguel and his G Nib pen inking a bit of Last Shadow.)

  • Painting
Ren Kougyoku-Base Color by Miguel

Ren Kougyoku-Shadows final details

Now this wasn't made digitally, but instead the coloring part was done with markers! Now the color choice is something I can't really  tell you what it was chosen exactly. Like I mentioned before I barely know the series and the character so yeah, if you want to know more about those details or you just want to point out how dumb I'm for not knowing consider leaving them as comments.

Yet another Fan-Art done by the talented artist team here at DMS, hope you like it and don't forget you are more than welcome to ask us for any Fan-Art and it doesn't have to be just anime!
it can be Cartoon, Comic, Tv Series or anything you want (except of course +18 or NSFW content)

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