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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Chrome Shelled Regios Critique

Chrome Shelled Regios((鋼殻のレギオス Kōkaku no Regiosu) is a Japanese light novel series by Shususke Amagi and illustrated by Miyu. An Anime version produced by Zexcs aired from January 11-2009 to June 20-2009 and is licensed in North America by Funianimation Entertainment 

Un Jardin de Rosas Cap.11

Lapsos de memoria, lapsos de entendimiento, toda el tiempo viví tranquilo; ¡porque ahora! ... ¿vienen a molestarme?
Partiendo de un sueño a una pesadilla

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Creación y Desarrollo de Personaje

Creación y Desarrollo de Personaje

¿Qué es primero, la historia o el personaje?

El artista decide 

Esto es algo que todo estaban esperando, verdad. y aquí se los traigo no hago un vídeo ya que es absurdo por el tiempo que tengo.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Lo Que Se Debe Querer Para Ser Feliz Cap.12

The Last

[Estuve toda la noche planeando , creo que ya puedo escribir una historia... pero tengo sueño;  escribir el capitulo antes        de irme ha acostar... o me voy a dormir ~ bostezo~ escribir el capitulo]

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Caracterización de Personaje

Caracterización de Personajes:

expresiones faciales Víctor Bolaños

Aclaro que es caracterización y no creación antes que  nada no son lo mismo pero los dos puntos son esenciales en la realización del personaje, la creación se refiere al personaje en su apariencia física o el como lo van a percibir los lectores o publico objetivo.

Ambiente de Trabajo


Un espacio amistoso es algo difícil de encontrar, pero no imposible.

Ichigo 100 %

Ichigo 100%

Muchos han visto la serie "Ichigo 100%"  y si no la han visto... ¡es en serio! Solo falta que digan que no han visto "To love Ru"
¡que juventud por el amor de Dios!

Boceto & Calcado

Boceto & calcado.


mascota Niko: Victor Bolaños.

El boceto ha sido el proceso mas útil para el dibujante que inicia y el profesional, esta técnica es un conjunto de lineas en un orden establecido que genera la ilusión visual de una figura sobre un trozo de papel, el boceto es el resultado previo a un trabajo y es la experimentación de un artista, base de un obra en progreso.

Monday, November 17, 2014

What You Should Want To Be Happy Ch.11

Bored, arched, desperate... why there is no formula to create something clever?

Short day, a Long night

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Truths & Myths of being a Mangaka

I have seen a lot of misconceptions about the "Mangaka's life" quite often, and even though we are no way near "pros" yet there are some things that are just wrong when some people think about the job of a Mangaka.

So for today I would like to share some Truths and Myths about the life as a Mangaka!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Innovación y Reto


Innovar es un Reto

Acto de innovar propiamente es el crear nuevas respuestas, rutas alternativas par una idea ya existente pero que vuelve a crecer,  ser explorada en otros aspectos, bien aquí es donde decimos "waa!" explorar nuevas ideas basadas en un  concepto ya establecido pero cuidado no es así de fácil de hecho es uno de los caminos  creativos que suele ser engañoso debes hallar la manera de innovar y no de solo producir basura.

El Lápiz de Investigación

El lápiz

Técnica de claro oscuro (Víctor Bolaños 2013)

Un lápiz es instrumento de escritura o de dibujo. Consiste en una mina de pigmentos, generalmente de grafito y una grasa o arcilla especial, pero también  puede ser pigmentos de color de carbono de leña.
Y generalmente encapado en un cilindro de madera fina o por los avances tecnológicos, de diversos materiales,  como el de plástico (portaminas).

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Masashi Kishimoto 6 Fun Facts

The Naruto Manga has recently come to an end in it's 700th chapter published on the 50th issue of Weekly Shonen Jump. As many of you know, and for those that don't let me tell you that while I don't really like "Naruto" I can definitely respect the work of a great Mangaka that has work for over 15 years on a serialized manga.

To commemorate that one of the longest Manga Shonen series have come to an end and I lived to see it (and I hope I can live to see the end of one piece as well...) for today I brought you all:

Masashi Kishimoto 6 Fun Facts

Things you might or might not know

Kishimoto's  Office Plants

A Mangaka spends almost all of his time inside his studio, roughly 15 hours of work sited drawing several pages for every chapter of a Manga. It's not uncommon for them to decorate their work place and what better to bring some life into any place than  some pretty plants and flowers!

Kishimoto thought the same and decided to get himself a nice office plant that could bring some life, sadly for him the plants that he bridged...died.

Kishimoto is a great artist and knows how to do Shonen Manga...yet another different matter.

Dead like the hopes and dreams of a certain  famous "shipping" among fans

Kishimoto Seinen Manga

We all know Kishimoto for his  Shonen Manga "Naruto" and some of the most "hard-core" fans might also know about his early work "Karakuri" which set his career as a Mangaka in Weekly Shonen Jump.  

But did you know, that during his college years in art school. He actually drew in a more Seinen-oriented style? And even claimed to "not be fit" to make  Shonen Manga?

Well let me present you  Masashi Kishimoto Seinen Manga, a work he claimed to be his master piece.

(there are no plumbers nor ninjas in this manga)

Naruto might have never been made!

During his high school years, Kishimoto became disinterested about Manga and focused on other things such as sports.  He too this date has cherish memories of his time in the soft ball team and at that point Manga was the last thing on his mind.

That was until one fateful day, in which the flame of inspiration came to him and would change his life, and the life of million of person all over the world.

Thanks to this piece of art, we can enjoy the works of Kishimoto today:

A poster for the Movie Akira

Kishimoto's Twin Brother

Kishimoto has a twin younger brother who is also a Mangaka,Seishi Kishimoto,  due to the similarities of their styles; fans would claim that their works would be a copy of the other. This accusations were so harsh that  Kishimoto had to ask the fans to stop labeling his younger brother as a "Copy-Cat"

Seishi Kishimoto

His brother has said several times that the similarities in their style are attributed to the fact that they have been drawing  since they were child and that both of them were inspired  by similar things.

666 Satan(talk about a controversial name)

Kishimoto is a Gundam figures avid collector

A  passion that Kishimoto share with one of our members ,Victor, is the love for the mechanized humanoid robots "Gundams"
While I couldn't exactly find how many he does posses, just by general accessibility and income I would say that it should be something quite larger than this:

Victor would really love some of those...

Kishimoto's character names origins

During his latter elementary school days, the Anime series of Dragon ball was released and that inspired young Kishimoto and his brother to create their very own Shonen Manga.

As they were immerse in the Anime world they would often play around trying to think names for their characters and super heroes. Most of the time they would name their characters after condiments they could find in the refrigerator.

And that seem to be a  characteristic he carried on, including his love for Ramen.

Literary the kind of characters they would create

I hope you have enjoyed this 6 small facts about Masashi Kishimoto, and if you are wondering why 6 instead of 7 or 10...well..I just so happen to like the number 6.
As always I welcome all of you to leave your thought, opinion, suggestions and more in our comment section down below.

This is Kyou wishing you all a nice day and be sure to check DMS for more Doujins and Randoms.

Amagi Brilliant Park

Bienvenidos de nuevo a otra de mis recomendaciones, hoy estoy aburrido a si que no voy a escribir mucho o tal vez si; hoy les voy a hablar de:

Amagi Brilliant Park

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

La Referencia


Parte de un objeto real un concepto que existe o una idea,
esta herramienta puede ser usada correcta o incorrectamente eso dependerá del que la use.Si bien los artistas la usaban para dar forma a sus creaciones mediante modelos eso no quita el echo que usaron referencias.



Dos temas, que de no ser por su significado, se podrían confundir y tomarse como iguales. 
Ya que como es bien sabido a un fan-art es toda obra artística que conlleva un proceso creativo en su mayoría son obras visuales, basado en personajes, vestuarios, épocas, etc. que da paso a nuevas narraciones y el termino viene de tal definición "fan-art", también se puede decir que es la recreación de un personaje existente de manera que se enfoca en resaltar el respeto a otro artista o bien de dar a conocer las técnicas dominadas pero eso sin lograr un engaño o fantasía de ser igual a otro.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Stereotypical "Shonen" Battle-Manga Kyou DOES Like

You have seen me go into the generally most LOVED Anime and have absolutely no "mercy" when I make my critiques.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Un Jardin de Rosas Cap.10

 Pasa el momento extraño, al igual que mi memoria, se quien soy, mas no que hago; he vuelto al inicio. Del día de hoy solo una soda de uva agrada mi memoria.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Anime-Game Comparison: Devil May Cry

Hello everyone and welcome to yet another Anime-Game Comparison.
This week, we have one of CAPCOM's  most popular and famous character and franchise

Devil May Cry

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Crayon: Técnica y Papel.


"Esta Técnica se basa utilizando los grafito de colores dentro del cilindros de madera, puedes combinar tonos así logrando tonalidades únicas, realismo y facilidad de trabajar tu arte. Puedes dejar de trabajarlo por horas, días y podrás seguir pintando sin ninguna dificultad. Esta técnica consiste en pintar en la dirección correcta para que logre volúmenes así como trabajar con luces y sombras. Las tonalidades de las sombras es mejor que se trabajen con el color morado mas el tono del objeto donde nace la sombra, porque el grafito de color negro puede manchar la obra. Se puede trabajar en distintos lienzos con textura, tales como desde el papel común y corriente hasta el papel de cascara de huevo y lino.

Proceso Digital: MyPaint

Asuna: Estilo orginal por Victor

  • Boceto utilizando una técnica de lapicero.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Clannad Critique

Clannad(クラナド Kuranado) is a Japanese visual novel developed by Key that has an Anime adaptation produced by Kyoto Animation and directed by Tatsuya Ishihara

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Las ideas Buenas y las Malas ideas


 Es la concepción, representación mental de algo; material o inmaterial, real o fantástico. El decir que una idea es mala o buena es una falacia solo hay ideas mas trabajada que otras y otras que no son nada sin mas estudio.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Digital Working

Even though we try to create Manga in the most traditional of Japanese style, is no surprise to anyone that has attempted to make Manga, that is a job that requires a huge amount of time.

With modern day technology we have  a more practical way to do this job and today we will have a look around the last step (at least in the way we in the DMS do it) to finish your  very own Manga!

Digital Working

Mangaka Tools: Brushes & Markers

For today's tools we will have a look at one of the most variable and versatile of all tools:

Brushes & Markers

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso

Bueno en esta ocacion voy a recomendar una serie de temporada que a mi parecer es una de las mejores de la misma y su nombre es:

Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Supreme Art of War:Awakening

Well despise all my effort I was unable to have this one done by yesterday, but oh well.

Tho before we begin:
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