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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Fan-Art Alleyne from Queen's Blade

Queen's Blade might be known for it's Anime adaptations or just for the...Umm pretty gifted cast of female characters that the franchise is so  famous for. Originally a visual combat book, for those of you who have no idea what that might be, like me, they  are a  type of novels were the reader can make choices and  adapt the story or reach a dead end depending on the reader's choices.

Using the same process as our first Fan-Art post, let me show you the process of how I did the Fan-Art for this character ( Just  take into account that I tried to modified some "look" of the character as I don't believe  something like a G cup would be any good in battle...Nor comfortable at all)

Alleyne by Victor

Alleyne is one of the characters of the Queen's Blade franchise,  a pretty strong elf warrior who has lived over a 1,000 years and is a master fighter. She is pretty strong and strict which is why her friends and students usually refer to her as "Master" out of respect or  pure fear; what I really like about her is the fact that she is not only a pretty good fighter, but also uses a different type of weapon which I think is pretty cool.

Also despise her  not sociable personality and  somewhat cold attitude, she is kind enough to teach other people and help them improve.

And now the process:

  • Sketching

Alleyne Sketch by Victor
For those of you that have been around DMS for a while or that have already read the previous Fan-Art post might know how  we usually do everything,  but for those who don't; we usually start by sketching the idea (after knowing exactly what we want , the position of the characters etc. Refer to this previous post for more detail -Constructing an Idea-)

  • Inking

Alleyen Inked by Victor
Right after finishing the sketch, Inking is the  next step. This will allow us to give more details to the drawing as we finish the main line art and then we can scan it to pass tot he next process.

  • Digital Painting

Alleyne digital painting early stage
Alleyne digital painting final

After we scan it we can continue with the digital painting, I usually do this with either PhotoShop or My Paint, but  any other painting tools like Sai or any other would be good as well. If you notice in the early stages I used a reference for the skin color as a way to knowing the type of colors I should use and the shadows. 

The outfit I tried to do it as similar to the original as possible, but there are a few differences in the tones of green an others. 

So Another Fan-Art done by me, hope you liked it and don't forget to leave a comment or write us at any of our social media to ask for a Fan-Art of your favorite character.  I will be seeing you all in another post here at DMS, farewell.

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