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Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Super Sensitive Man

Christian Presents:
The Super Sensitive Man

Many would think that  a really bulk up man should be  a  true Macho.
But is it?
If you know any Manga or Anime  that shows one, tell me. I asked  Victor  a very long time ago to draw  a  character that overflows  testosterone  and...he drew this
For me it looks  like a model taken out of Victor's Secret lingery and please do not think of his underwear , unless of course you are into that sort of things. You are free to do whatever you like as long as it's in private.
But really , that soft look on his eyes , the hands model pose , women would say it's the perfect man with huge chest like a werewolf and sooo sensitive like a vampire. (Twilight)
I believe that you have already seen that movie right? “A really good movie” by the way. If  you don't like it I haven't asked you for your opinion so don't even dare to  trash talk Edward or Jacob. And of course that  is a portrait  of myself (  and I don't even work out)
Also if you see me walking on the street  do not talk to me, I'm too shy. But  I'm always  open to online chat.

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