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Monday, November 3, 2014

Mangaka Tools: Brushes & Markers

For today's tools we will have a look at one of the most variable and versatile of all tools:

Brushes & Markers

I know some of them are fine point pens, but bear with me a little

Usually used to add a wide variety of effects , the "Beta line" and other details such as movement lines and even blood. Markers and Brushes are some of the basic tools that any good aspirant to Mangaka needs to get as many and as different as possible.

The Alpha Line leaves a work similar to this
Since panels with only the "Alpha line" lack several details as you can notice from the image above, we need tools that are able to not only fill the black but also let us  add little details and effects depending on the situation.

The type of effects we will be creating with brushes and markers

Filling the Beta Line, adding shadows or motion lines

The type of Brushes and Markers will vary depending on your work
Although we can't specify a set number or name of the markers and brushes you will be using, we can give you some general tips on what type  are the most essential to at least begin.

  • Beta Brushes & Markers

Traditionally in Japan most of the Beta Line work is done with brushes, though markers can be just as good or even more practical.
These brushes and markers tend to be big since the idea is to be able to fill as many space as possible in a short amount of time.

  • Detail Brushes & Markers

These must be small enough to let you add small details and fill Beta areas that are to small for the bigger brushes, such as eyes or  even tricky spots in certain parts of the body. While not mandatory to have right form the get-go, they are useful and we recommend to have at least 1 of them.

  • Effect Brushes & Markers
For this category you can use..pretty much anything that can help you create an specific effect or just a random effect that would suit your needs. You can use the previous ones or find new ones, create your own or try something that is not even a brush or a marker.
Yes you can even use a toothbrush

Before we finish I would like to give you all an interesting tip that we on DMS have been using, once your markers run out of ink; instead of throwing them try to see if you can use them with ink (not filling them but rather  use them as nib pens) some will work this way while others depending on the bran might not. This little trick will save you some money and will let you keep your favorite markers for a lot more time.

Hope you all have enjoyed this little post about brushes and markers, don't forget to leave your questions, suggestions and opinions on our comment section down below.
This is Kyou wishing you all a nice day and be sure to check DMS for more Doujins and Tools!

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