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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Twilight's Melancholy

"I'm fine I'm fine, there won't be more fanfics or comics of me being crazy "

It was just that one time....studies are a serious matter after all
"It was all better before  the internet craziness, when there was just the show.."

Now there are all kinds of crazy things...and Pinkie Pie is not a Psycho!
"Why, why do they have to make those kind of stories I don't want to see any more of that!"

So much sadness and horror!!

"No, not another one"

What type of unimaginable and awful things would this one have
"What will it be this time? Some sad story about one of us dying or getting corrupted or  one of us getting crazy and stabbing and killing everyone in Equestria,...because that one is so~o original"

Because there is nothing better than read about misery and blood~
"Just to think the kind of horrors this new "Doujin" will have"

Why would anypony want to draw those kind of images

"Well this time I will do something about it"

If they want to see crazy they will have it!
The Supreme Art of War: Blade From a Lost Era. Help us show Twilight that not all stories about MLP have to be the same. 

There is no need to get her all worked up~

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