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Friday, June 6, 2014

The Hero's Jorney

Every journey start with one simple step

Evening everyone , it's been a while since I posted something and I might have let Christian run wild just a bit around here. But it's time for me to post something I really like and I use in every a manga or a story I make.

The hero's journey is a a concept that was first developed by Joseph Campbell
in his book “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” the theory behind the books is that most of worlds myths use similar patterns , so using certain guidelines will make the story appealing to any audience. Most anime/Manga relay on this as well as many games , literature or even movies.

Though sometimes when the concept is used more as a miracle formula to make an instant “big hit” instead of using it as a tool to craft a better story , the final product it's a really stereotypical an boring anime/manga.

Yes I don't like Bakugan too much..

The hero's journey it's divided in a set of stages that are:

1- The Call to Adventure
2- The Refusal of the Call
3- Supernatural Aid
4- Crossing the Thresholds
5- The belly of the whale
6- Road of Trails
7- Meeting with the Goddess
8-Woman as temptress
9-Atonement with Father
11-The Return

Well I could explain each stage in more in depth, but I don't want to bore any body nor I want to type a whole encyclopedia so I have a better idea.

One of my favorite channels in YouTube "Extra Credits"made a video around “The Hero's Journey” exploring an amazing game and giving a nice explanation of each stage.

Well I hope you enjoy the video and use this tool on your own stories, remember to always share your thought and opinions with us in our comment section below.

This is Kyou wishing you all a nice day.

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