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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October is here and that means new Banner!!

Well what can I say , we are finally on time to something for a change! 
So October is finally here and it not only means that our blog just turned 6 months old, but also that Halloween is around the corner so here in DMS we decided to have a little look at the old classics of horror and make a banner about it~

This month banner was brought to you by our  one an only veteran artist Victor who kindly enough transformed this little gently editor in chief into one of the  most  ruthless and merciless monster in the whole horror film industry(huh go figure..)

For some reason...I feel like I'm watching a normal workday here at DMS...
Also we won't only have a new Banner this month but  we also will have the very first chapter of a new manga featuring a certain bunch of  candy colored grass chewers~

That concludes this brief news so we would like to hear what are your thoughts on the new banner, your Halloween plans or any other thing you would like to share with us we would love to hear it.

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  1. Will you guys have a new banner every major holiday? If that's the case, I'm super excited for Christmas and Valentine's Day Banners! There's so many awesome things you can do with that. Maybe in the future even mini contests for fan art or something would be cool too!! <3 Anyways, I love the October banner!!

    1. Actually yeah we will have one every major and not so major holiday x3, and we would love to run fan art contest if we can get the people to send submissions we will gladly do it x3~ ( we might be a tiny bit late at times....x.x)

    2. Oh, will you have one for Thanksgiving? YES! That sounds like fun! I can't wait until that day comes ^_^

    3. Yup we will owo! but we are kinda a month too late for this Thanksgiving...(along with our independance day comic...) but we will on a near future x3!~


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