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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Mangaka's Tools: Nib Pen

Finally the moment everyone's been waiting for, time to finally take a look at the most iconic tool of any Mangaka.

Nib Pen

Can't be a true Mangaka until you master the G-pen Nib

Nib-pens are tools used for inking, the nib is the part of the tool that touches the surface and deposits the ink. There are several different nibs that severs different purposes, but we will talk about the most common ones used for inking a Manga.

Types of Holders and Nibs
  • School-Pen Nibs
This types of nibs are used to add  fine details or do fine works where it's needed, this nib is essentially used to create sharp hard lines and it's not to sensitive to pressure as other nibs.

A School-Pen Nib

  • Spoon-Pen Nibs
The spoon nibs are used to add soft, smooth lines to the work and as show on the picture resembles an actual spoon. Since the nib is big and the purpose is to create smooth line of work, the pressure required to get a determined line is not as variable as with other nibs.

The pressure would generally be the same for this nib since the lines won't vary to much even if you apply a lot of pressure. 

A Spoon-Pen Nib
  • Caption-Pen Nibs
This nibs are used mostly to write the dialogue in Kanji and their purpose is to write dialogue in a fancy  way. 

We are not so experienced with this types of nibs since well..we do the dialogue either with other nibs or just digitally(tech power~), yet if you would like to have your dialogue be just as beautiful as the drawing is not a bad idea to try these nibs.

A Caption-Pen Nib
  • G-Pen Nibs
The most iconic and well known nib of all, preferred by Mangakas for its versatility and capability of producing a wide range of lines, though the pressure varies depending on what type of line is desired.

While not recommended for beginners, we recommend to get one as soon as possible and practice as much as you can. the effects and lines this nib is capable of create will undoubtedly give your work a higher degree of quality.

A G-Pen Nib

As always I welcome everyone to leave your thoughts and opinions in our comment section down below, hope this little explanation on Nib Pens have been informative.
This is Kyou wishing you all a nice day and be sure to check DMS for more Doujins and Tools!

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