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Thursday, May 29, 2014

The perfect girl continuation

But if  that was the case then all the stories would be the same and The Manga won't be more than a Mexican TV Novel .

It doesn't matter that the heroine is "The perfect girl" it doesn't mean that the ending should be a happy one , but you must admit that  not even life is as interesting as a story  with a heroine that makes you dream.

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  1. sorry for my bad English but if you read my Spanish poorly understood

  2. Well I was reviewing the post as usually *cough* editor in chief *cough* and I have to differ in some points , it is true that in some cases Authors use a Female character that could be labeled as the "Perfect girl" archetype tho in most cases the term "perfect" is actually not used to describe a flawless character , but a character that is the perfect match for the main character (male or female) sometimes they could be there as well just to provide some "eye candy"
    In general the one that perceives the character as a "Perfect Girl" is the main character , as readers we could identify flaws and problems in the character and that make them more interesting to us. The more flaws a character has actually make them seem more human , let us identify with them and makes them seem more "Real"

  3. excellent post as you come up with these ideas, I wrote a book lol taste.


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