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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Doujin Manga Society Closing!.....Or is it?

Hey everyone Kyou here, as you might have notice we have been rather quiet this past month and the place it's been kinda dead. But no it doesn't mean we are closing up nor that we have given up in our dream, in fact we have but amazing news for all of you guys! Doujin Manga Society Brand new Website! Yes, it has been more than a year since we...

Friday, March 27, 2015

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso... The end

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso came to an end. Saying goodbye with an inspiring tone that left us all with a shade of sadness, in a rainbow of sounds in which its bright sparkling lights displayed a plethora of colors. Leaving in group of notes that fell from the sky like snowflakes that create waves in the water forming an illusion...

Friday, March 20, 2015

Is knowledge a problem?

The problem of knowledge from my perspective: Do you know what is the problem of knowing too much? Mainly the problem is that knowing too much make you unable to enjoy the simpler things or things you enjoyed in the past, just because now you know they weren't that highly accurate or true. I wish I still believe he existed... To prove...

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Good Day, Mr, Mrs, children and public in general. Today I come to you with a vision, a proposal; a masterpiece known as: ...

Monday, March 16, 2015

Doujin Manga Society: Basic Character Sketching

As you know here at DMS we like to provide you all with simple and effective drawing tips in various creative ways. Often we have mentioned how we start with the most basic of process in any drawing, which is sketching. ...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

An Unrealistic Thing Called Love Ch.4

Why do we love? A question, that I asked myself when I was but a child. At one point in my early teenage years I thought I had answered, but then I discovered the true nature behind it....Then decided I didn't need such a thing in my life. Of course, we have the capability of cherishing friends, family and even strangers at a certain point. However...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Dating Sims

Those of us that have been involved in the Anime and "Otaku" culture know some about this particular type of games, from anime reference to  actually have played some ourselves Dating Sims or  Bishojo Games, Gal Games, Gales, Eroges; or however you want to call them. Are an important part of the gaming industry in Japan. ...

Friday, March 6, 2015

What Is Otaku? - Gaijin Goombah

Otaku, and several other terms are used  by some of us here in the west, without even knowing the complete meaning. Sometimes we even interchange this terms when on reality, those terms mean something completely different. ...

Assasination Classroom

Ohayo!!!!, Christian desu!! How you been?  I'm pretty sure you all are fine if you don't mind the snow storms and the heat. Of course that depending on where in the planet you are. So to brighten up your day a little today I would like to share with you: ...

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