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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What You Should Want To Be Happy Ch.14

A piece of trash! She says of my script. A question: throw her away or wait a moment to make her take away the crumps that are on my desk?

A heavy duty day
[What do you think you're doing? When did I ask you to...]

It's incomplete! ♪Om nom nom♪ Where have you seen a world like that! Games have no limits. And rules? It doesn't say how many players go at a time or when they get into the game. And what happens when they lose? They die or they only lose their memory? And what about if it's also a first chapter or a “One Shot”? You got to insert more characters, not only two, and goes without mention that you also need to tell more about them. Why the characters have no stats, like: Strength, level, and what about the MP & HP bars? What's wrong with you?! What kind of game lacks the basics?!

Shocked, silenced and in awe; never had I heard talk so much, and though that she might not finish eating the slice of bread she has on her mouth, she still seems to hold some credibility. HER, CREDIBILITY! This can't be serious... It's so strange, she annoys me as if she was my boss. Just by raising her from the desk I can put her in her place.

[First, finish that slice of bread and tell me where did you took out that data from]

You're joking, right? You haven't seen BAO (Blade Art Online), Bursted world or Horizon? The first one wasn't a good example but you get the point.”

Those are some kind of shows. It even sounds smart, as if they could use that energy and effort in something productive. They could be millionaires, but right now it seems I have to drag out all that dead weight as an adviser.

[Come, follow me to the apartments] ~Moves the chair~

But don't you get scared because I haven't groomed myself in a week... ♪Om nom nom♪

[Could you finish that bread already?]

~swallows"He... Lloyd, about the Neighborhood Reconstruction Quota that I have to give, may you wait for next month?

[... You have fifteen days]


[My name's not Lloyd!]

I was only saying we can go now”

It's true that I have to go to those apartments

[Ok, let's go. But clean yourself, we're going in my car]


Huh... She didn't even clean the crumbs from her face.


And again on our way to that place, but this time with an annoying drag in the trunk -If could get her inside- She's quite, but once she finishes those strawberries she'll be a nuisance again.

Om nom nom

Hey Lloyd, why are we going there?”

Ignore her, Ignore her calmly and without contemplation; just enjoy driving my late model car and the road, a time for myself. I'm pretty good at getting rid of the unnecessary and the sound of her voice meshes well with the sound of a V8, a car's purring... I have to think in reconstructing the last chapter of “The Last”. First fix the rules and types of games because the things about players attributes and types of games I can check them out at the “Abougan Games” department. It's better to think on the rest of the characters that I can include, maybe a rival or some alternatives that will appear in the games at times or other partners that will make a party later and...


~ Pulls his shirt ~

[Stop! Can't you see I'm driving!]

We're here, and don't ignore me. Why won't you tell me why we're here?”

Since when we became so close...

And now, back to the desert of creeps

Most of the people on this apartment building are students. But, Why are they so weird? And the worst part is that I come with the queen...

[Go to your apartment, I'll get there later. I have to talk to some some of the inhabitants]

We got out of the car, and while we place a step over the dry lawn, the ambiance begins to fade. I don't know why every time I come I remember the guy with the cloth hanger fake a suicide to avoid a debt. There's people that just doesn't appreciate life.

Lloyd, I'm going to my apartment. I'll see you there!”

She's gone. I finally got rid of her. Well... Now to the first apartment – with the suicidal maniac – which is on the first floor... What? A note on the door – I'm out. Please slide it down the door – What kind of note is that one? It doesn't explain a thing. I don't know if it's better to fake death, but bad excuses do grind my gears.

[This happens to me for trying to help the community. I only asked for a small quota to repair and remodel the apartment complex and donate it to the students. And... people like her reject it all – Sits – I don't think the quota is that big. It doesn't even reach 1% of the costs. This people... I'm giving them a ceiling over their shoulders! From my own pocket!]

[ ~ Babbles ~ What duty do I have with them! It's getting on my nerves, not a single one of them has given me this meager quota which isn't even the size of one of the house bills...]

Dammit! Here he comes. He must've heard me, I thought he was hiding...

{Sorry, are you from the renovation project? I have the money in the apartment. You can come in and take it}

[No, thank you... I'll wait here]

 {By the way, thanks for your work, help to the community and all that. We're all grateful – Closes the door – I'll be back with you! - Gets out – Here is the money. Ah... and I'll give you this, too. The girl from the upper level told us about what you were doing. Luck, and if you have any questions about manga or anime, we're at your service}

She”... shouldn't be telling the whole world about it...

[No, actually, I came to inform the habitants that someone else is going to take care of the paperwork, but thank you for your contribution. You will be helping to accelerate the project.]

 This guy is more serious than what he looks like... except by that part about manga and anime – though he brought his best pokerface -

{I have a question though, not that you need to answer, but... if it's about helping, and you got the money, why do you insist in the quota?}


I'll be honest. I didn't thought too much about it, I was just guided by the maxim that goes “What is granted is never appreciated”. But now that I think of it, if I don't ask for such quota, I'll be free from a lot of work – It's just a couple of thousands – After all I don't think these people will appreciate stuff even if they pay them themselves.

I gave him back the check and stood silent. I turned around and said goodbye with a hand sign. I took those books that supposedly would help me, with the title “How to Draw Doujin”. I can't see how they will help me... but I can't just get rid of them, I still have to finish the chapter of “The Last”.

To be Continued...

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