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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What You Should Want To Be Happy Ch. 7

A cheap suit , and empty suitcase and a completely incomprehensible reason , what could have possible happened to send everything straight to damnation?


Let's see...its about mid day , by now the actions can't loose any more value ; at least not to much.

Hey weird woman! Gobble that thing already and tell me what the message said exactly”

Jukts ab secd

Gulp”, ah!, that was tasty ; so..the message said that I should wear this suit and that you would be waiting for me on this address and in this floor at this time.

It's way to specific to be just a coincidence , she...might know something , I better take this oddball with me and see how is she related to this mess ; right now I just need to focus on the companies actions.

“Come, we are leaving…”

Ok , Ok...but don't pull my arm that much

I have no way to stop the depreciation of the actions in such a short time , and without any publicity or manipulation I can't get a higher amount of investors by the end of the day...what I'm supposed to do?

Hey Lloyd , you didn't tell me if you liked the doujin and you know my wrist is hurting.
How long would you be pulling me? ...I'm getting bored of walking

Doujin....I have no time for that nonsense , my editorial is about to crumble! I can't think on that sort of trifles at a time like this”

Wait a minute! , the doujin ; how could the actions drop in price so suddenly if the article was a couldn't have influenced the opinion of the serious investors since it was considered a satire , a cartoon ...then why??? The only explanation was that doujin , making the investors think the magazine had lost credibility and value...then..Why the heck they went down on price??!!

Lloyd, I'm hungry

Hungry? But you just ate a minute ago”

I feel like an idiot pulling her around , but I still need to figure out the reason of the price drop. There is a coffee shop there , I could use a good cup of coffee.

Fine , there is a coffee shop on the other street , let's go”

Kay..I want some fries!

She just ran ahead of me! Can't she behave like an adult for once.


I'm all sweaty from walking ...I hope they have a good coffee.

Konbanwa Goshujinsama what do you desire today? A coffee ...a bath..or perhaps another service~

Service? What that heck is that supposed to mean , from all the coffee shops how did I ended in this freaking place , is this some sort of gathering place for weirdos and freaks? And why are they on their knees don't they have any pride?!

Lloyd food! , FOOOOD~

Ah!!! Be quiet already , can't you understand every second it passes I'm loosing money , can't you understand that!?”

NO , and how do you expect me to understand if you never explained it to me.
Hey there is the maid , hey , hey I want some fries please he pays~


As you wish Ojousama.


I don't even know why I bother , that girl obviously doesn't even know what life is , she is just interested in eating , sleeping and smiling...that... smile!!! it annoys annoys me a lot!!!!! There is no much I can do now just loosen my tie and hope for the best ; it still bothers me the drop in price without a reason and even more knowing that some bastard's is working and I can't stop it.

Just look at her eating her french fries and swallowing that hamburger ; she looks like a toy monkey...just smiling and playing her dishes.

I must find a way to solve this today!

To be Continued...

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