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Friday, April 18, 2014

The Origins of DMS Part-1

A dreamers vision might challenge reality

Hi, I'm Kyoushy you may remember me from another blog post such as   Big's Asian Papa house or The coffee boy who became Chief. The blog has been a bit  empty lately.... 

They see me rolling~

But don't worry the artists are working really hard to  get the best manga  and doujins by May!....or so I hope...well in  any case today I wanted to share with you all  the story behind the blog in depth. 

Like any other awesome idea , this one started in college  while me and Kei discussed how bad our  grades were and how bad it would be to end up as an average worker (Suits and ties  are just not my thing) As we digressed in different topics and dreams I remembered how some people online made  money (Bloggers , YouTubers , sellers at Ebay etc.) and if not getting rich per se at least they could pay the bills (and considering here the $ its 7.59 times more valuable than our currency it was really tempting)  but becoming  famous in YouTube it's no easy task not to mention  that I'm afraid of being in camera we thought a blog could be a nice try , although we didn't actually consider it like a real option..that moment got me thinking , Kei  is a good artist and we often create stories just  for fun but never really did anything seriously...then the spark of inspiration came to me "What if we make a blog about our stories" ; not only I could make a living doing something I really love  but also I could help Kei getting some money (specially since he is not exactly the usual person you would hire for a job....) , but the problem was...."What story should we do?" , "Would they like the story?" , "Would they like his art?" and all those thought filled my head but one story would give me the final push I needed to risk everything with my crazy blog.


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  1. claro tu historia con kei, ¡como nosotros solo somos monos entrenados!

  2. No necesariamente los monos aun tienen que usar pañales y ustedes ya van al baño solitos~


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